Met with an accident day before yesterday!
same old stereotype script.
1. I was doing 60kph on a bad road and down hill.
2. Three dudes, from the other end on one bike with no head light. Wrong fucking side!
3. To avoid them, i dodged them at close range and hit the deck hard.
4. My gear lever tore through my shoe and took a chunk of muscle out of the sole of my left leg.
5. Scratches and bruises all over the body.
6. Myles (thats my Pulsar) was totaled.
7. Dudes on the other bike apologized and took me to the hospital and got me bandaged.
8. Band mates and friends are taking care of me and helping me get back on my feet. \m__m/ to Chirayu, Vinay and Akshay.
9. Special thanks to Dr. Karan of Bharati Hospital for stitching me back without getting guttural screams out of my belly .
10. Told not to move for 3 days. My idea of mother fucking hell!
11. Last word, my head and my specs were intact and unscathed even after going through 4 somersaults over bare rocks. I love my helmet!!!!
What this has done is, put a full stop to all my plans to play with my band on the huge Mantra stage at IIT Powai........bollocks!!!!..............while i am stuck at my flat here in Pune, MotherJane, Ensiferum and Indian Ocean will rock the Mood Indigo crowd, not knowing that Pune's biggest head banger (literally and figuratively) is compelled to stay docked at home!
Still, lets say "Best of Luck, Skepsis! Tear the stage apart!".............
We will Rise........